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Two years ago, I quit my lucrative Medical Career to blow the whistle on the fake Covid-19 Virus and Plandemic.
Not knowing what my future had in store, I used my skills, knowledge and many years of medical training to analyze all the medical research published on SARS- CoV-2 / COVID-19.
I debunked the false narrative presented by the Mainstream Media. As a result, I was thrust upon the world stage.
My new practice focuses on teaching people about Natural Healing and Freedom. My daily work includes: hosting webinars, operating a website, participating in Live Interviews, appearing in Documentaries and speaking at Live and Virtual Conferences.
My efforts to spread Truth to the world is a grassroots operation. I am working very hard to create valuable, accurate and informative content. My goal is to reach many more people with my message of Truth, Health and Freedom.
Please donate to support my continued efforts.
Thank you for your kind support.
Authentic Medicine, Truth and Freedom for All!
In peace,
Dr. Andrew Kaufman

*Please Send your PayPal Donation via Friends and Family. Do not select Goods and Services.